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鸿运国际手艺宣布与沙特阿美签署体贴备忘录 ,以探索双方举行相助及团结投资时机 。此次体贴备忘录的签署为鸿运国际手艺日后与阿美的深条理相助涤讪了坚实的基础 。

基于此次体贴备忘录 ,鸿运国际手艺将与阿美围绕智能制造数字化转型等价值链起劲在沙特境内睁开营业相助探索 。依附阿美在沙特境内的优异营业基础以及鸿运国际手艺在自动化领域的专业手艺 ,信托双方能在此次机缘中实现相助共赢 。

此次相助既有助于阿美继续推动IKTVA妄想(外地总价值提升妄想) ,推进立异 ,可一连生长并提升其营业生态系统的可靠性规模 ,为阿美的外地化做出起劲孝顺 ,也将有助于鸿运国际手艺翻开外洋市场 ,打造高端产品 ,效劳息争决计划 ,塑造专业的国际企业形象 。 


鸿运国际手艺执行总裁崔山体现:“鸿运国际手艺建设20多年来在海内市场取得了优异的市场效果 ,同时也积累了大宗自动化、数字化、智能化手艺基础 。未来 ,我们将继续起劲扩大海内市场份额 ,一直追求突破的同时越发专注于打造高端产品 ,开拓高端客户 ,探索高端市场 ,起劲举行公司的国际化战略转型 ,将鸿运国际手艺打造成一个越发专业和卓越的大型跨国企业 ,效劳于全球客户 。此前 ,我们已经在国际化方面举行了一系列实验 ,此次与阿美签署体贴备忘录无疑会是鸿运国际手艺国际化战略以及打造高端蹊径蹊径上的主要里程碑 。未来 ,我们也将起劲开拓外洋市场 ,希望与更多像阿美一样优异的跨国企业缔结友好相助关系 ,实现共赢 。”

沙特阿美认真全球企业事务的副总裁Nabil Al Nuaim体现:“我们很是兴奋能与鸿运国际手艺签署体贴备忘录 。通过这样的相助关系 ,我们将增添对新手艺的关注 ,并把它作为鸿运国际恒久目的的一部分 。这不但有助于鸿运国际营业生长 ,并且有助于沙特阿拉伯境内多样化的国民经济的作育和增添 。此体贴备忘录也和沙特阿美正在举行的数字化转型项目高度一致 ,即使用手艺突破提供越发环保 ,高效和清静的能源 。”

SUPCON has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Saudi Aramco to explore potential opportunities for cooperation and joint investment in Saudi Arabia for the services and manufacturing value chain, such as digital transformation of intelligent manufacturing. 

The MoU paves the way for future in-depth cooperation between SUPCON and Saudi Aramco. Combining Aramco’s business foundation in Saudi Arabia with the professional technology of SUPCON in the automation field, it is believed that both sides can achieve win-win cooperation in this opportunity.

It is anticipated that potential cooperation opportunities stemming from the MOU will continue to promote Aramco’s in-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA) program, and enhance innovation and sustainable development. Future opportunities would also be expected to help SUPCON open up its overseas market, and develop high-end products, services and solutions.

Cui Shan, the executive director of SUPCON, said: “It's been more than 20 years since the establishment of SUPCON. During these years, SUPCON has achieved excellent performance in domestic market, and has also accumulated a large number of experience in automation, digital and intelligent technology. In the future, we will continue to strive to expand the domestic market share, constantly seek breakthroughs. At the same time, we will focus more on building high-end products, developing high-end customers, exploring high-end markets, and actively carry out the company's international strategic transformation, so as to build SUPCON into an outstanding multinational enterprise to serve global customers. We have made a series of attempts in internationalization already, and the signing of the MoU with Aramco will undoubtedly be an important milestone in the internationalization strategy of SUPCON and the road to build a high-end image. In the future, we will also actively explore overseas markets and hope to establish friendly and cooperative relations with more multinational enterprises as excellent as Aramco to achieve win-win results."

Nabil Al Nuaim, Aramco’s Vice President of Corporate Affaris, said: “We are delighted to sign this MoU with SUPCON. Through such partnerships we are increasing our focus on new technologies as part of our long-term goals, which not only support the development of our business but also the growth and development of a more diversified national economy in Saudi Arabia. The MoU also aligns closely with Aramco’s ongoing digital transformation program, which is harnessing technology breakthroughs to deliver energy more sustainably, efficiently and safely.”
